Tuesday 15 September 2015


William H. Cosby popularly known as Bill Cosby got it right when he said that,'I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone'. We live in a world that is filled with people suffering from a disease which is more psychological than it is physical, it is called the 'Approval Addiction'. People will do everything and anything to gain the approval of families, friends and peers alike. It is a natural tendency for people to want to be appreciated for who they are but many take it overboard by doing so many things they would not on a good day do but just because they want to prove a point like the young man who begins smoking because he wants to prove to his friends that he is a man or a young woman who wears skimpy dresses just to gain the approval of her girlfriends. A wise man said, 'People are the funniest of God's creations because they spend money they don't have to buy things they don't need to impress people they do not like'.
  Trust me when I say that nobody wants to be left alone even in the midst of the crowd but it is best to be alone and be safe than to be in the wrong crowd reminding me of an innocent sixteen year old who got twenty years because he was in the company of his friends who unknown to him were robbers.
 Friend God performed the biggest miracle and that miracle is the one to who I am speaking to at this moment, of the over six billion people on earth, you are unique, nobody has your ideas, gifts, skills or talents anyone who attempted to be you would only be second best.
  The word is to begin from this moment to begin to live the life your Maker arranged for you not the life others believe you should be living for no one else knows you more you know yourself. A man of God at a seminar I attended years ago made a profound statement which still rings in my head till today, 'Never allow people build your world for they will always build it too small.
 When Chief Nduka Obiagbena declared that he would make an all coloured newspaper, he was seen as crazy but he did it anyway in spite or despite the naysayers and This Day Newspaper stands as the testimony of one man's resolve. So friend live your live and though people may mock you at the beginning they will celebrate you at the end. To your success.

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