Wednesday, 6 February 2019


If you are ever going to be successful you must be the unselfish person to those who are because the bitter truth is that people are only looking out for themselves and only when you help them fill that need and fulfill that desire that is when you will be satisfied yourself. A wise man said, 'You can get all you want in life if only you will help others get what they want'. Everyone who made it in life be it in business, career and all other endeavours had to take the focus from themselves and beam it on others. Friend if you are only looking out for yourself then I have two words of wisdom for you, LOOK OUT, because a man or woman wrapped up in him or herself makes a very small package. A wise man said, 'Living for self makes a slave, living for others makes a leader and commitment to living for others makes great leaders. Every truly successful man and woman went out with one thing in mind, how to add value to others. If you are in business because you want to make mega bucks or are in a career because it is a highly lucrative one, I can liken you to the Biblical man who built his house upon the sand.
          Bill Gates made his impact by striving to put a computer on everyone's table, Kentucky Fried Chicken wanted people to know what great chicken tastes like, MacDonald's are still in the business of making hamburgers sell in any part of the world they find themselves. Find a need and fill and watch people fill your pockets with their money. To your success